It’s Monday and I want to know what you’re reading! This meme began on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, who then passed it on to Kathryn at The Book Date. It’s a chance to check out what others are reading and maybe (who are we kidding? probably) add to your tbr. All you have to do to participate is let us know what you finished reading recently, what you’re reading now, and what you plan to read next.

Recently Finished:

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

I really expected to love Beach Read. An enemies-to-lovers romance featuring rival authors who wager on their ability to write in each other’s genres? Sounds great! While I did enjoy the story, I found the author’s writing style difficult to get into. It seemed unnecessarily long-winded and I missed having the dual perspective often found in similar romances. The title and cover also paint a completely different picture than the actual story, which was fine, just a bit jarring.

Currently Reading:

Lila Reyes lost her abuela, was abandoned by her best friend, and was dumped by her boyfriend of three years in the matter of a couple months. To say that she is not handling it well would be an understatement. Fearing for her mental health, her parents decide to send her to stay with family in England for the summer to rest and relax. Meanwhile, Lila wants nothing more than to return home to Miami and pursue her dream of taking over her abuela’s bakery.

I know last week I said my next review read would be The Color of Your Voice, BUT I got approved for The Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow on NetGalley, so I just had to start that one. I’m also reviewing it for OUABC, therefore, it takes priority.

I’m also reading The House in the Cerulean Sea, which is giving me major Series of Unfortunate Events/ Miss Peregrine’s vibes. I’m reading it for an online book club, which means I have to pace myself. I’m only on chapter 6, but, so far, it is quite intriguing. I can see why there is so much hype surrounding this book.

Reading Next:

Seventeen-year-old Britta Flannery is at ease only in the woods with her dagger and bow. She spends her days tracking criminals alongside her father, a legendary bounty hunter—that is, until her father is murdered. The alleged killer is none other than Cohen Mackay, her father’s former apprentice. The only friend she’s ever known. The boy she once loved who broke her heart.   

She must go on a treacherous quest in a world of warring kingdoms, mad kings, and dark magic to find the real killer. But Britta wields more power than she knows. And soon she will learn what has always made her different will make her a daunting and dangerous force. 

My mother and I will be starting the Clash of Kingdoms trilogy as soon as she gets her copies. I saw this one going around Bookstagram a year or so ago and added it to my Amazon wish list, which then lead my hubby to buy it for me for x-mas and it has sat on my shelf ever since. I’m hoping we both enjoy it even though it seems to be a lesser known series with only 8,931 ratings on Goodreads for book 1.

Since I couldn’t decide on a new audiobook to listen to, I’ve been rereading (listening) to ACOWAR. I’m also supposed to be reading Children of Blood and Bone for another book club, but I’m focusing on getting through my review reads this month.

Have you read any of these? What are you currently reading? Feel free to drop your links in the comments!

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